2024 Best Settlement Agreement Advisory Firm

(SME News Legal Awards)

Our Director, Paul Coulson - settlement agreement

Friendly settlement agreement legal advice, support and guidance

Award-winning settlement agreement legal advice

Based in London and Kent

Efficient and friendly specialist employment solicitor


Get in touch to discuss how we can help you.

Or book a free no-obligation chat with us.

Hassle-free and at no cost to you

Straight-forward, efficient and friendly support

Regulated and insured independent legal advice

Employment solicitor with 20+ years’ experience

Your questions answered
What is a settlement agreement

A settlement agreement (previously known as a compromise agreement) is a document by which you waive your statutory employment rights against your employer (or former employer) in return for payment and/or other benefits from them.

In order to be legally effective and binding, you must obtain independent legal advice and your employer will pay for that.

Get in touch with us today and we will give you not just independent legal advice but also guidance and support through the whole process, ensuring that you get the best outcome for you. Supporting the whole of England and Wales from our base in London and Kent.

What is a protected conversation

A protected conversation (or ‘without prejudice’ conversation) is a conversation (either verbally or in writing) between you and your employer which is aimed at trying to find a mutually agreeable resolution to an employment situation.

Your employer can’t force you to have a protected conversation but we usually recommend that there’s no harm in listening to what they have to say. You don’t have to agree with what your employer says and you don’t have to accept their offer. Simply thank them for their time and let them know that you will go and consider your options before making a decision.

Get in touch with us as soon as possible so that we can give you independent legal advice and help you find the best resolution for you. Supporting the whole of England and Wales from our base in London and Kent.

Do I have to sign the settlement agreement

No. You cannot be forced to sign the agreement and you should only do so if it’s in your best interests.

Get in touch with us today and we will give you independent legal advice and explore your options with you, ensuring that you get the best outcome for you, including not signing if that’s what is best for you. Supporting the whole of England and Wales from our base in London and Kent.

Can I negotiate the terms of my settlement agreement

You can (and should) always try! It doesn’t mean that the negotiation will be successful. Your employer can’t force you to sign the settlement agreement but you can’t force them to negotiate either.

Get in touch with us today and we will give you independent legal advice and guide you through the negotiation process, ensuring that you get the best outcome for you. Supporting the whole of England and Wales from our base in London and Kent.

Will I get an agreed reference

You can ask for one but that doesn’t mean it will be given. Even if you get an agreed reference, the vast majority are only a few lines long. They will include basic information, like name, dates of employment and job title. It’s very rare to see the long, glowing references of the past.

Get in touch with us today and we will give you independent legal advice and guide you through the negotiation process, ensuring that you get the best outcome for you. Supporting the whole of England and Wales from our base in London and Kent.

When will my employment end

If you are still employed, the settlement agreement will include an employment end date.

Like all terms in the agreement, you can ask to change the end date but that doesn’t mean that your employer will agree.

Get in touch with us today and we will give you independent legal advice and guide you through the negotiation process, ensuring that you get the best outcome for you. Supporting the whole of England and Wales from our base in London and Kent.

Are the payments tax-free

The tax rules on settlement agreement payments can be a bit complex. Some payments are tax-free and others aren’t.

Get in touch with us today and we will give you independent legal advice and discuss the tax treatment with you as part of our settlement agreement advice. Supporting the whole of England and Wales from our base in London and Kent.

How soon will I be paid

Payment dates will be included in the settlement agreement.

Like all terms in the agreement, you can ask to change them but that doesn’t mean that your employer will agree.

Get in touch with us today and we will give you independent legal advice and guide you through the negotiation process, ensuring that you get the best outcome for you. Supporting the whole of England and Wales from our base in London and Kent.

For a no-obligation initial settlement agreement review and to discuss how we can support you in reaching the right outcome for you, please:

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